Making your woman happy is very important for repeated sexual encounters. If you have been suffering from a small penis, we finally have the solution that will put a huge smile on your woman's face.

Women always feel that penis size does matter, and will get quite agitated if they are not satisfied with the proper penis size during intimacy.

Our Xcel penis growth patch will give you the results you need to make your intimate relationship the best it could possibly be.

With the Xcel penile enlargement patch you can look forward to the good times sexually. Consider the difference between a 7, 8 or 9 inch penis that is thicker and a penis that is 4 to 6 inches and narrower.

With a larger penis, you penetrate more sensitive areas of the woman. Your longer penis probes deeper searching those special nerve endings. The added width to your penis fills and presses her from side to side to give your partner the most exhilarating sensations.

You will truly be amazed at the results. Take control of your love life with Xcel herbal enlargement patches. Have stronger, longer erections!

BigSafePatch offers the Xcel patch which adds up to 1 inch in girth and up to 3 inches in length!

    - 50% of women fake orgasms on a regular basis
    - 60% of long-term relationship breakups report that sexual problems contributed
    - 67% admit that they are unsatisfied with their partner's sexual performance
    - 72% of all women need a larger and thicker penis to reach sexual orgasm
    - 76% of women want sex more often than their lovers' provide
     -80% of women think their partners penis is small
    - 93% of women do not mention small penis size, for fear of hurting their lovers' feelings
    - 94% of women agree a larger penis is a visual turn-on

BigSafePatch offers the Xcel patch which adds up to 1 inch in girth and up to 3 inches in length!

  • guarantees our Penis Patch contains all natural ingredients
  • BigSafePatch will deliver the penile enlargement patches discreetly!
  • BigSafePatch will send you 180 days worth of Xcel Penis Enlargement Patches
  • BigSafePatch has 24/7 customer support. Xcel Penis Patch offers Fast Shipping
  • BigSafePatch has our toll free phone, fax and address clearly displayed
  • Over 100,000 Penis Enlargement Patches have already been sold internationally
  • See and touch penis growth in 3 weeks. Satisfaction is guaranteed