Privacy Policy

All data is encrypted on BigSafePatch's secure server.

To deter fraud, BigSafePatch collects information about you during your visit, such as your IP Address.

However, we do not collect information from other sources, such as public records or private organizations.

BigSafePatch does not sell, lease, pass along, email, or divulge personal information to anyone.

All information obtained is held in high regard and is strictly confidential.

You are required to provide BigSafePatch with accurate and up-to-date information, and failure to provide BigSafePatch with such information could result in voiding your agreement with BigSafePatch.

BigSafePatch provides refunds within 30 days of the order.

  • guarantees our Penis Patch contains all natural ingredients
  • BigSafePatch will deliver the penile enlargement patches discreetly!
  • BigSafePatch will send you 180 days worth of Xcel Penis Enlargement Patches
  • BigSafePatch has 24/7 customer support. Xcel Penis Patch offers Fast Shipping
  • BigSafePatch has our toll free phone, fax and address clearly displayed
  • Over 100,000 Penis Enlargement Patches have already been sold internationally
  • See and touch penis growth in 3 weeks. Satisfaction is guaranteed