BigSafePatch offers the Xcel patch which adds up to 1 inch in girth and up to 3 inches in length!

  • The average erect penis size is just 6.5 inches
  • The majority of men have very poor blood circulation to the penis
  • 30 million men have suffered from erectile dysfunction
  • Our Xcel Patch is a result of 7 years of research, safe and effective
  • Our Xcel Patch is an herbal, all natural penis enlargement patch
  • Our Xcel Patch expands the chambers of the penis, so it can hold more blood

BigSafePatch offers the Xcel patch which adds up to 1 inch in girth and up to 3 inches in length!

Day 1- You apply the patch on a hairless part of your body as directed. It's so small that you may forget you actually have it on. You can throw out your penis pills, and forget about surgery.

Day 7- It's a full week now and you start seeing male enhancement of up to one inch. You will think that it's all in your mind and you are imagining things and kiss the penis enlarger patch, for safely growing your penis. Natural penis enlargement is the way to go!

Day 14- It's now the second week and you definitely see it growing another inch and now you are feeling so good about the strong, thick erections you are having.

Day 21- It's now the third week and you are finally starting to build that confidence. You want to show your woman how you've changed and we don't blame you. Erectile dysfunction and erectile disorder are now a thing of the past!

* Now you have made your partner happy when she notices that you have increased in penis size and you finally feel good about yourself, making you the man you always wanted to be.

One of our many satisfied customers, describes the effects of the Xcel patch:

1) Day One - I  applied the first penis enlargement patch.

2) Day Four - I began to feel a slight tingling and what I would describe as pleasurable sensations in my genitals.

3) Day Seven - I began to notice some growth from using the penis enlargement patch. I got the ruler out and it put a smile on my face.

4) Week Two - At this point I noticed significant growth from using the penis enlargement patch. I also noticed an increase in sex drive. I was grinning ear to ear!

5) Week Four - I added 1 and a half inches in length and a half inch in girth!

6) Week Seven - Growth was still occurring. I was pleased with the results and decided to discontinue use of the Xcel male enhancer patch.

7) Week Twelve - I have maintained my length and girth and I want to thank bigsafepatch for your great customer service.

Increase the size of your penis. Safely enlarge and enhance the size of your penis!

The owner of bigsafepatch talks about how he got into selling this product:

I was looking for a method to improve my size. By size, I mean overall length and width of my penis. My girlfriend at the time was a runway model and I felt that although she never said anything, I was lacking in that area. She was in contact all the time with attractive men and I was looking for a way to improve my confidence and also the size of my member.

I tried pills and I thought they were working, but it was all wishful thinking. Next came the weights. I had only seen weights in the movies. I had no idea what to expect. I must admit, the weights seemed to do something, but the pain was too excruciating. I had heard about patches that directly feed natural ingredients into the blood system and expand the chamber of the penis. After trying 3 other patch products I will not mention here, I came into contact with Xcel Patch. The 1st week I felt this incredible rush of energy, like I had gained a couple years of life.

The 2nd week I was amazed to see results. I got out my ruler and sure enough I had grown. I showed my girlfriend and I could tell she was impressed. We both were. It was a patch. I kept on applying the patch every 3 days as directed. I decided not to measure my penis until week 8. When I finally got out the ruler again, I had gained 1.25 inches.

All I can tell you is, I was impressed! I had found something that worked and I knew I needed to share it with other men. My confidence soared. I was able to make my girlfriend scream. She had deep, powerful orgasms. I want to share Xcel patch with men who need help in that department. Xcel patch is the only penis enlargement product you will ever need. Do yourself a favor and try it. Stick it on a hairless part of your body and forget it.

You will be amazed with the results!

  • guarantees our Penis Patch contains all natural ingredients
  • BigSafePatch will deliver the penile enlargement patches discreetly!
  • BigSafePatch will send you 180 days worth of Xcel Penis Enlargement Patches
  • BigSafePatch has 24/7 customer support. Xcel Penis Patch offers Fast Shipping
  • BigSafePatch has our toll free phone, fax and address clearly displayed
  • Over 100,000 Penis Enlargement Patches have already been sold internationally
  • See and touch penis growth in 3 weeks. Satisfaction is guaranteed